WASHINGTON FREE BEACON JANUARY JANUARY 27 202 ‘The Biden administration quietly awarded $15 million in taxpayer funds to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan to help distribute “oral contraceptives and condoms,” a non-public congressional funding notice reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon shows. In doing so, … Continue reading → The post BIDEN’S AFGHAN DEBACLE appeared first on CommentsOnNationalAmnesia.
‘The Biden administration quietly awarded $15 million in taxpayer funds to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan to help distribute “oral contraceptives and condoms,” a non-public congressional funding notice reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon shows. In doing so, the administration acknowledged that “some coordination” with the Taliban would be “necessary for programmatic purposes.”

OPINION: Looking at the abysmal failure of the Biden administrations botched Afghan withdrawal, might we be asking why that withdrawal appear to suggest something sinister at work rather than the mere incompetence.
Consider that even Biden’s ‘woke’ generals cautioned against his flawed withdrawal plan; why would that plan proceed against the advice of his military advisors.
The argument in favor, as proposed by the propaganda ministries of the leftist media, suggests a last-minute move to ensure his legacy at having taken credit for ending the Afghan conflict.
It has also been suggested that Biden’s action may have been in anticipation of negative optics, i.e., of a failed foreign policy amongst other failures of the administration as well as the hemorrhaging the large sums of money tendered in support of the ongoing Afghan conflict and to the ongoing conflict in the Ukraine
It has also been suggested that Biden’s floundering policy disasters may have been intentionally engineered to leave a mess for the incoming President, Donald Trump. Trump, to the left’s chagrin, as he has proven in the past, will cleanup any mess that the Biden administration, like spoiled children, left behind.
The post BIDEN’S AFGHAN DEBACLE appeared first on CommentsOnNationalAmnesia.