Here’s a net zero policy I like

yesterday 8

One of the main causes of more CO 2 output in the UK is the  decision to let in an additional 750,000 people every year. Every person creates more carbon as they breathe out and as they consume products and services using fossil fuels. I find it odd therefore that some of the people most…

One of the main causes of more CO 2 output in the UK is the  decision to let in an additional 750,000 people every year. Every person creates more carbon as they breathe out and as they consume products and services using fossil fuels.

I find it odd therefore that some of the people most passionate to slash UK CO 2 do not campaign equally noisily to end mass migration into the UK. It would be a great and popular way to cut our CO 2 output. With mass migration trying to  get to net zero is running down an up escalator.

I recently joined a discussion of migration organised by Facts4EU and other groups in the UK and Australia. There was general  agreement that both countries have allowed far too much migration posing big strains on public services and infrastructure. No wonder we need bigger water pipes, more electricity, more school places, more doctors. Far from making the UK more prosperous per capita incomes fall the more lower paid people we invite in. Coupled with the policy of taxing wealthy people out of the country it cuts our overall and average prosperity.

So lets go net zero population growth. If we invite in 750,000 extra every year we need to build 3 cities the size of Southampton every year. It is not just the homes but the shops, surgeries schools cable and pipes we need for such a large population increase. The EU 9 years ago estimated the per migrant set up and early years cost at Euro 250,000. No wonder public spending has ballooned.


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