Jerry Brown's Sneaky Gas Tax

8 years ago 67

It never ceases to amaze me that Jerry Brown -- who claims to be a social justice warrior and a champion of the people -- sneaks in taxes that have a far greater impact on lower income people than his Silicon Valley elite campaign contributors.  The latest is his gas tax that he managed to push through despite the fact that it was extremely unpopular.  Most Californians do not mind paying for things that we need, but we already pay the highest gas tax in the nation and our infrastructure is in a REALLY sad state of repairs.  Carl Demaio, former San Diego Councilman, shared the following on his website: "Depending on the value of your car, miles driven, and your MPG, the typical California family will end up paying $350-700 more per year under the Car Tax and Gas Tax hike!  What’s worse, the money is spent with virtually zero accountability for fixing roads! In fact, Californians already pay the highest gas tax in the country and yet we still have the worst roads. For every $1 in average costs for road repairs spent in the other 49 states in the US, California spends $4.7 dollars for the same repairs – resulting in wasteful spending of 470 percent more!" “Politicians have been caught stealing gas tax monies and recent audits show billions in waste that should be going to road repairs. The Car Tax and Gas Tax hike contains zero reforms of wasteful spending, meaning we are throwing good money after bad.”  "Our campaign to repeal the Car Tax utilizes the Gazelle Strategy. That’s why we propose to launch a Recall Campaign against State Senator Josh Newman (D-Orange County). Senator Josh Newman won by less than 1% of the vote in 2016 – and yet he betrayed his constituents by voting for the Car Tax and Gas Tax hikes. Our campaign intends to file Recall Papers in the next month against Senator Newman and collect 60,000 valid signatures to force him from office." In California, tax increases are supposed be approved by the voters on the ballot. Amazing that Californians are already paying almost 5 times as much as they do in other States for road repairs. Makes total sense that someone is stealing the money.  Naturally, Jerry Brown is hosting a fund raiser to help stop the recall of Senator Josh Newman.  Sign Up: Pledge To Help The Campaign to Repeal the Car Tax!

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