A True Dystopia?

11 months ago 44

Generally, claims of a current or coming dystopia are exaggerated and overwrought.  There are indeed forces that would lead us in that direction, but throughout history those forces have met counterforces, and the net result has been a world where life is cyclical, waxing and waning in its levels of civility and decency, flirting with dystopia, but never quite falling off the cliff.  Our literature has imagined dystopic futures almost as long as we have been creating it and while deeply insightful, we never seem to reach the depths imagined.  To borrow from the hymn, “My hope is built on nothing less 0than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.”  But there are days, and this is one of them, where that is the only hope I can reach for. The post A True Dystopia? appeared first on The Hugh Hewitt Show.

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