6 months ago 52

Where has objectivity gone regarding the Ukraine conflict within western political & media elites? How can anyone comprehend the conflict in its entirety when only one side is ever depicted by them? So much of what is going on among the western political elites is strongly reminiscent of the story about the emperor’s new clothes that no one could see.  From Wikipedia: ‘"The Emperor's New Clothes" is a literary folktale written by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, about a vain emperor who gets exposed before his subjects. The tale has been translated into over 100 languages.’ You will no doubt be familiar with this story but for those who are not here is a brief synopsis: From Wikipedia: ‘There is an emperor who has an obsession with fancy new clothes, and spends lavishly on them, at the expense of state matters. One day two con-men visit the emperor's capital. Posing as weavers, they offer to supply him with magnificent clothes that are invisible to those who are incompetent or stupid. The emperor hires them, and they set up looms and pretend to go to work. A succession of officials, starting with the emperor's wise and competent minister, and then ending with the emperor himself, visit them to check their progress. Each sees that the looms are empty but pretends otherwise to avoid being thought a fool. Finally, the weavers report that the emperor's suit is finished. They mime dressing him and he sets off in a procession before the whole city. The townsfolk uncomfortably go along with the pretense, not wanting to appear inept or stupid, until a child blurts out that the emperor is wearing nothing at all. The people then realize that everyone has been fooled. Although startled, the emperor continues the procession, walking more proudly than ever.’ Within the western elite belief bubble there are certain narratives that cannot be contradicted. Anyone even mildly suggesting that these narratives may be wrong or who even gives the slightest impression that perhaps, just maybe they are not completely correct, will certainly be marked down as a danger to the unity considered essential on the issue in question. Currently, and for over a decade now, the primary issue where absolute unity is demanded of all western elites, both political and media, is Ukraine. The narratives suiting western national interests were agreed long before the current crisis in Ukraine. These narratives will be defended to the end. Any contradictory facts will be kept outside of the belief bubble that every western official keeps in his or her head. Group thought discipline is maintained at all times on pain of if not death then career death at least. If an official in the West at any level mouths any fact not within the agreed narrative that official has no future within the western elite superstructure. Add to this situation regarding the maintenance of certain “facts” as self-evident and beyond contradiction we have the ‘War Mode’ discipline which also has a history in the West going back to Vladimir Putin’s address in Munich in February of 2007. War Mode stipulates that ‘the enemy’ is to be attacked using every device possible, that nothing even remotely positive shall be said concerning the enemy and that he, she or it will be subject to a diplomacy-free exclusion until destroyed or defeated. The group thought agreement that prevails now in relation to all of the above is evident in every speech made in the West on Russia or Ukraine and in every article printed and published by western legacy media or broadcast via the major TV/video news broadcasters. Those who attempt to point out the situation above, if identified, will find themselves talked of in the most pejorative terms as the puppets of ‘the enemy’, as the spreaders of misinformation and fake news. Such people or organisations, if their profile reaches a certain level will be subject to attacks attempting to shut them up or at least degrade their ability to reach a wider audience. If the person or organisation becomes so popular that western state officials feel there is a tangible threat to their narratives then an extra level of attack will be mounted incorporating western intelligence agencies using PsyOps (Psychological Operations). These ‘emperors’ speak of a fixed “reality”, one that they repeat at regular intervals in the hope of making an indelible impression in the minds of their ‘subjects’. In these “realities” emerging directly from within the western elite ‘belief bubble’ Russia made a wholly unprovoked attack upon Ukraine negating all evidence to the contrary stretching back to at least 2014. For them NATO is a wholly benign defensive organisation that wouldn’t hurt a fly, totally ignoring the violence perpetrated by NATO on Serbia and Libya and its use as the primary western weapon against the Soviet Union during the Cold War. They will state unequivocally and quite shamefacedly that Ukraine is a democratic state while maintaining blinkers firmly in place regarding the acts of despotism and dictatorship that have characterised the Ukrainian state in recent times. Unfortunately for the ‘emperors’ of the West the populace who they look to for support in promulgating the ‘facts’ within the western belief bubble on Ukraine are, in increasing numbers, unconvinced. They smell a rat. Too many actual facts have leaked out from Ukraine over the last two years and more. Too many expert analysts have found ways to contradict and expose the agreed upon narrative fabrications of western state officials. These analysts have no dog in the race except to provide an accurate assessment regarding the genesis of the conflict in Ukraine and the situation there as it continues to unfold. They are far more likely to be trusted than the western officials and the various media productions that maintain an unchanging prejudice regarding one side and a ceaselessly positive treatment of the other. EMBRACING LIES AT RISK OF CAREER DEATH: WITHIN THE WESTERN ELITE BELIEF BUBBLE

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