10 months ago 56

Half a million dead & wounded Ukrainians yet the war cry from the White House still sounds. There seems to be no limit to the amount of death & destruction that Joe Biden is willing to contemplate. Ever since Biden was given the Ukraine portfolio as his responsibility by Barack Obama he has acted as if the nation was his personal fiefdom. We can see how this is playing out day by day now, catastrophically for the Ukrainian people.  Not content with interfering in the internal politics of Ukraine, Biden managed to display the corrupt side of his nature just as clearly as well as his Machiavellian side. His thoroughly dissolute son was given a highly lucrative position on the board of a Ukrainian natural gas production company by the name of Burisma. You can guess how much experience Hunter Biden had in this field. Nil. More serious still than getting his sex and drug-addict son onto the board of Burisma was Biden’s boast about getting the prosecutor sacked who had been given the job of investigating the company for corruption. Since these early days of wheeler dealing, nepotism and pay-to-play Biden has sought to cover his tracks in Ukraine by acting in a way destined to completely destroy the country. The fatalities and grievous injuries over the last two years and more amount to some half a million. Biden has played the most egregious part in promoting only more war as the “solution” to the conflict in Ukraine. Well known as a political thug down the years Biden appears to have no conscience whatsoever and is in fact completely uncaring regarding the gruesome fate to which is consigning the Ukrainian people.  The Biden obsession with Ukraine is inextricably linked with his obsession regarding Vladimir Putin. These twin obsessions look certain to ensure that tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands die and are gruesomely injured in the days, weeks, months and quite possibly years ahead. He rejects the idea of peace talks as does his Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken. These two, along with the apparently now departed Victoria Nuland, are the chief architects of Ukraine’s demise as a tool of the West against Russia. The painful truth is that Russia, after a near decade of attempting to find a peaceful solution to the problems encountered by the people of eastern Ukraine, once forced into this conflict, are now winning it hands down. Naturally this will be driving Biden even more berserk than he has shown himself previously on Ukraine. The more Russia is seen to win it is certain that Biden, obsessed as he is, will attempt to escalate further. All previous experience however, has shown that no matter how many so-called gamechanger weapons the West throws at Ukraine they never make the difference expected on the battlefield. Russia is winning and winning more and more obviously with each day that passes. The increasingly brain-challenged Biden will be an ever uglier sight as his obsession, thwarted and rendered null and void as it will be cannot but present the world with the ugliest possible face of a president ever seen. Biden’s departure from power is sure to be ignominious and wrought through with a well deserved humiliation. He will, no doubt, go out ranting and raving, still vainly searching for the exit, hands even more bloody and brain as mindlessly obsessed as ever.

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