Today's quiz question: Why is it that it's suddenly become fashionable to force veterans to pay for improvements/expansions of VA care?

5 months ago 68

 Today's quiz question: Why is it that it's suddenly become fashionable to force veterans to pay for improvements/expansions of VA care? The first example I know of is the expansion of the Agent Orange program to include Blue Water victims from the Vietnam War.The goals of the program are worthy. ALL veterans exposed to Agent Orange are eligible for care resulting from that exposure. Formerly, it was limited to those who had actually set foot in Vietnam or it's water ways.The need for the expansion of this program was obvious.Requiring other veterans to pay for it by adding fees to VA home loans, making already expensive housing that much MORE expensive for the veteran, is not.And now, it seems that the Good Idea Fairy has landed once again on Congressional Shoulders, which a House Bipartisan series of improvements to VA care, including expanding benefits including in home care and for disabled vets and increases in pay for caregiver support.Ideas long overdue, perhaps. But how are they going to pay for it?"Paying for the package would be done through new fees on VA home loans, an offset that lawmakers say will prevent the legislation from breaking congressional budget rules. But even with that, passing the veterans legislation remains a difficult task."How much is it expected to cost?$1.7 billion.Over the next 10 years.If the Federal budget were to remain the exact same as it is now for that same time period, the total cost would be $62 trillion.The article, from Army Times, refers to the excuse for shafting veterans again as a way to avoid "budget busting."I'm reaching an age and a condition where I would likely benefit from this expansion.But the effort to make my fellow veterans pay for it?Is sickening.

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