5 months ago 62

  Only those of fixed mindsets can avoid recognizing the trends regarding Russia now occurring. Russia has evaded all attempts to hold her down, weaken & destroy her & will now rise far beyond their reach. Russia is not without problems going forward. She lacks manpower for the great many tasks ahead. This is why her president has been encouraging a higher birth rate among the Russian population for some time now. This will mean inviting a movement of labor and specialist personnel from areas outside the boundaries of the Russian Federation for some time to come. Fortunately the economic success that has been engendered despite all the barriers the western powers have set in its path, has been increasing and shows no sign of ending any time soon. Vladimir Putin has sworn to bring the modernity of Russia’s great cities to the people who live in the outlying territories, the villages and towns across the vast landmass of Russia. This goal will take many years to accomplish and will require the dedication of the willpower to consistently supply the huge energies, massive funds and logistical expertise required. Fortunately again, Russia has expanded the number of close and powerful friends she has in recent years, once again despite the efforts of her adversaries to reduce them. The military campaign in Ukraine could easily have brought disaster to Russia. The plans of the West were laid long before February 24th 2022 when Russian troops crossed the Ukrainian border. The powers there believed they knew Russia in all its aspects, social, financial, political, economic, military and all else. Was the data they held current? Or was it perhaps ossified in databases accumulated decades before which now provided far less than adequate prognoses of how to bring the Russian state to its knees? In any case Russia proved eminently resilient against virtually every attack by sanctions or financial restrictions against it. With Russia winning in Ukraine, as we can easily see now is the case, what could easily have been a disaster for Russia will instead result in many benefits to her. The respect with which nations view Russia (whether admitted publicly or not by them) cannot help but be increased. We already see this outcome across several nations in Africa where both France and the USA are being asked to remove their presence in preference to Russia. In the Middle East too we have seen geopolitical changes that would previously have been deemed extremely unlikely if not entirely impossible. The case of Saudi Arabia ending its long term alliance with the West (primarily with the USA and UK) while drawing closer to Russia by joining the BRICS group. BRICS sees ever more nations queuing up to be allowed membership. Iran is now a member along with Saudi Arabia. Who would have thought a few short years ago that these erstwhile enemies would potentially sit side by side at BRICS conferences? Around forty nations have expressed their interest in joining. Another founding member of BRICS, India has drawn ever closer to Russia and trade between the two is constantly increasing in volume. Nations are increasingly drawing closer to Russia seeking good relations and increasingly too rejecting western narratives and demands by the West to obey its commands. Does this sound like the isolation the western powers wanted for Russia? Russia’s relationship with China is now arguably the strongest it has ever been. Trade between the two is booming and the protection they can give each other now in relation to both the conflict in Ukraine and the hotspot of Taiwan is iron-clad. A long-planned pipeline, ‘The Power of Siberia Two’ to carry natural gas from Russia’s Western Siberia Altai region to North-Eastern China is now being constructed, This will further enhance and deepen a relationship that once again, the western alliance has tried recently to disrupt but which it has actually assisted in deepening over these past few years where its aggression against both has been all too obvious. Russia then, as we have seen, is gathering friends while the western nations who tried to bring her down, remove her president and cut her into pieces, have been losing them. Deep in a fast rising debt crisis the United States sees its infrastructure crumble amid increasing social turmoil, drug deaths and rising crime while at the same time pouring hundreds of billions into a failing plan to defeat Russia. Its allies too are suffering through joining this quest. Germany is de-industrializing, Britain is locked into a vicious cycle of economic decline and the boomerang effect of the loss of inexpensive Russian energy is hitting everyone hard. Prices have risen for all western nations creating massive discontent in nations used to constantly positive economic indicators. This is bound to bring enormous political changes in due course. In the USA there is a rising tide of opposition to the profligate spending of North America’s dwindling resource base, both in terms of money and military assets. Throwing billions into the Ukrainian money pit is becoming a central issue as the emotionally potent, phony idealism button of Ukraine no longer has the same power to motivate such reckless generosity. The facts concerning the illegitimacy of the Ukrainian regime, its non-democratic behavior, its neo-Nazi links and its constant lies are gaining ever greater traction in the USA as in Europe. The recent election of Robert Fico’s party to power in Slovakia is evidence of this as is the long term resistance of Hungary under Viktor Orban. Both refuse to support the fueling of endless war in Ukraine with the supply of weapons and munitions. Russia, as discussed above, is making new friends and allies as well as discovering more trading partners interested in dealing with her. To a great extent Russia no longer needs the economic links she previously had with the West. And, within Russia the niche fields of commerce that western companies vacated at the insistence of western political elites have, in the great majority of cases, been successfully filled by Russian entrepreneurs and enterprises. The profits from these establishments now stay in Russia and no longer exit the country to bolster her enemies. Once again the western nations shot themselves in a foot now presumably resembling a rather raggedly-looking Swiss cheese. Things could hardly have gone better for Russia. Free of the western NGO’s that acted as a constantly subversive force, the agents of western intelligence agencies, Russia now has a much cleaner sheet where the small proportion of west-seeking liberals within Russia can be ever more effectively marginalized. This process will further enhance the determination of Russia to remain a country fully dedicated to its traditions and no longer subject to the vagaries of a woke culture that is currently poisoning traditional ways of life in the West. Each trend within Russia, almost without exception, is now working to enhance Russia’s prospects for the future just as the trends concerning her relations with those around her in Eurasia, Asia, the Middle and Far East are likewise trending positively. Russia will achieve all the goals she set herself in Ukraine. One way or another the danger to Russia from Ukraine and its western sponsors will be neutralized and, in effect, quarantined. Russia will demand and get a new security architecture in Europe that includes herself. The remnants of Ukraine will, as protectorates, be seen to have a new, pro-peace president and government and, slowly but surely cultural relations and exchange, political interchange and trade between Russia and rump Ukraine will recommence. The new regions of the Russian Federation that we now know as the Donbass will be given every assistance in infrastructure renewal and job opportunities as well as the rise of all standards to Russian Federation levels in terms of pay, healthcare, pensions and all aspects of Russian employment benefits, conditions and the Russian social care network. Russia has all to play for as she approaches an open door to friendships across the most populous, prosperous, incentivized and energy-powerful nations of the world. As the disgruntled West licks its wounds and suffers the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune (brought upon it by its own hand) Russia will prosper and the prosperity seen, as with China increasingly, will be impossible to conceal, celebrated as it is sure to be worldwide. One of the most important of all Russia’s successes, in 2025 we will see the resurrection of what used to be a generally recognized and accepted fact of a debt the world owes to Russia, that of the defeat of the Nazis in World War II, the Great Patriotic War. By defeating the Nazi resurrectionists in Ukraine it will be seen that Russia has won yet one more world war for all humanity. The western states who instigated the disaster of the last few years in Ukraine will be shamed, their political leadership replaced and will find their power and influence significantly diminished. Ever more nations will abandon their ties to the West in favor of far more trustworthy allies close by. The economic state of western nations will give rise to even greater levels of social and political chaos where seemingly intractable problems beleaguer every attempt to solve them. Russia, having fully reclaimed her place among the great powers and now assured of national security in perpetuity, will move determinedly along with her allies toward the world of peace and international agreement multipolarity then offers us all. The malignant era of western domination, of threat, subversion using overt and covert manipulation and the ever-present insistence on worldwide interference and potential for military attack… will be over for good. Russia, that stood at first virtually alone in opposing the criminal nature of the USA and its proxies, will stand totally vindicated in all aspects of her struggle. Vladimir Putin, of course, will be lionized globally outside the West for his incredible achievement, and for all time.

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