Woman Reports Unsettling Series of Strange Events Following Winged Creature Sighting in North Carolina

6 months ago 36

The Singular Fortean Society was contacted last month by North Carolina resident Megan Boyd who wished to report her sighting of a mysterious winged being. “I saw you on [The Mothman Revisited episode of] Unsolved Mysteries and wanted to reach out about my experience to see if you’ve had similar accounts because what I saw was slightly different than the accounts on the episode," she told investigator Tobias Wayland. Boyd's experience took place between 6 and 7 p.m. on November 1st, 2000, in Ruffin, North Carolina. She was in high school at the time and her then boyfriend was driving her home. "We were on an old country road, no streetlights or anything, and it had just gotten dark," she said. "I saw what I thought was a ghost decoration in the distance high up in a pine tree by the road since it was just after Halloween. I was confused as to why someone would put a ghost up that high and as we got closer it became very apparent it wasn’t a ghost decoration." What Boyd had initially thought to be a Halloween decoration turned out to be something far stranger. "It was huge and opened up its wings. It was all white, not black like the sightings on the show. It swooped down as we were driving, passed us, and scratched the top of his SUV," she explained. "It then started to follow us. It was at least seven feet tall with a massive wingspan. The wings looked like bat wings, transparent-like in the moonlight. But it had the body of a man with man-like long legs." Her boyfriend sped up in an attempt to escape but the creature stayed with them for several miles, despite their vehicle reaching speeds of at least 80mph. Then, suddenly, it was gone. "When we got to my house, we looked on the top of his SUV and it had huge scratch marks," Boyd said. "I immediately told my father who made fun of me. My siblings and him tease me to this day except for my brother. Because 14 years later, back in 2014, around the same time of year, he saw [the same creature, also in Ruffin,] but instead of at night it was very early in the morning when it was still dark outside." “What’s really weird is that when my brother saw this thing, it was less than a quarter of a mile from my home. My brother was living with me at the time because I was a single mom of two young boys,” she added. Since then, Boyd said she's had several people tell her they've seen the same all-white flying humanoid with batlike wings in the area. “Other people in this area have had similar sightings,” she said. “A friend I went to high school with told me she saw it probably around 2003 or 2004 at night driving home. My sister even claimed to have seen it about a year ago close by where I live now. And to be honest, I haven’t talked to her too much about it because to think it may be close by me now scares the hell out of me.” The month after her sighting, Boyd had a frightening experience involving a Ouija board. It was December, and she had a friend staying the night who expressed interest in the divinatory device. The two girls decided to bring out the board and, while they were using it, "the wind started picking up outside and a dog starting howling."  "It felt heavy in the room," Boyd said.  Shortly thereafter, the board spelled "GET OUT." Immediately ill at ease, the girls decided to stop. "I actually threw it away not long after," Boyd told Wayland. "[...] And until you asked [if I had experienced anything else unusual before or after my sighting], I didn’t really consider a connection to my sighting and this experience." Following her encounter with the winged creature, Boyd found herself suddenly afraid of things she had been perfectly comfortable with before. For a long time after the incident, I had nightmares. Not just about what happened but other really bizarre nightmares. Sometimes I would wake up and feel like someone was watching me from my bedroom window. My window was about 10-12 feet from the ground though. I also wouldn’t go outside at night for a while. And I was a girl who loved being outside and would even camp out on our trampoline to fall asleep under the stars. But for about a year or so after, I just didn’t feel safe at night alone outside. Again, sometimes I felt as if I was being watched. While the coloration of the creature reported by Boyd may be unusual, it is not without precedent. In 2020, The Singular Fortean Society was contacted by California resident Richard Polk, who said that on a foggy night in the fall of 2009 he had an unusual run-in with a white winged humanoid in La Habra. In addition, the Society has received two other reports of similar creatures attacking motor vehicles. One from Waukegan, Illinois, in 1976, and another from near Silverstone, North Carolina, in 1986. TO REPORT YOUR OWN ENCOUNTER WITH THE IMPOSSIBLE, REACH OUT TO US DIRECTLY AT THE SINGULAR FORTEAN SOCIETY THROUGH OUR CONTACT PAGE. Related Stories Recent News

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