Distance Healing with Soul Healing

13 hrs ago 14

Distance Healing by Tao Healing Hands Heal the soul first, then healing of the mind and body will follow. – Master Sha Heart and Soul Healing “Distance healing is based on the principle of directability and the principle of interconnectedness.” Distance healing is basically healing spiritually someone at a distance or remotely in another location […] The post Distance Healing with Soul Healing appeared first on You Hold the Keys to Healing.

Distance Healing by Tao Healing Hands

Heal the soul first, then healing of the mind and body will follow.Master Sha

Heart and Soul Healing

“Distance healing is based on the principle of directability and the principle of interconnectedness.”

Distance healing is basically healing spiritually someone at a distance or remotely in another location (city, country) by a spiritually developed healer. The date and time for distance healing is synchronized between a client and a healer, so that a client or patient is receptive to a distance healer’s Qi-healing. Consultation by Zoom or picture of a patient is helpful to establish a stronger etheric link with a patient.
Why does it work?
The following principles are based on the principles of Qi-healing:

Principle of Transmittability. Life force or vital energy can be transmitted from one person to another person.

Principle of Receptivity. A patient has to be receptive or at least neutral to receive the projected pranic energy. Being relaxed also helps increase the degree of receptivity. Without receptivity, the projected pranic energy will not be absorbed, or only a minimal amount of it will be absorbed. Patients may not be receptive because: they are biased towards this type of healing, they do not like the healer personally, they do not want to get well, or they are in general not receptive about anything.

Principle of Interconnectedness. The body of the patient and the body of the healer are interconnected with each other since they are part of the earth’s energy body. On a more subtle level, it means that we are part of the solar system. We are interconnected with the whole cosmos. The principle of interconnectedness is also called the Principle of Oneness.

Soul power is developed and used by Tao Healing Hands Practitioner

Ricardo’s quotes

"If your Qi is in balance, your health and wellness are unlimited."— Ricardo Serrano


See Awakening Soul power with Tao Healing Hands

Principle of Directability. Life force can be directed. It follows where attention is focused; it follows thought. Distant pranic healing is based on the principle of directability and the principle of interconnectedness. See Tao healing hands and its Meditation Techniques.

Healing Benefits of Distance healing
The same physical, psychological and emotional healing benefits are obtained in distance healing as in a regular one-on-one Qi-healing session. Most clients have noted that their spirits have lifted with an overall experience of tingling all over the body, inner peace, psychological and emotional healing. Some clients have noted that they felt lightness, revitalized, energized and joyful.

Regular one-on-one Qi-healing session is generally a preferable mode of healing, however, because of distance and time restraints between a healer and a patient, distance healing is another viable option to those who prefer remote distance healing.

Ricardo’s principal healing Spiritual guide is Buddha Kuan Yin who assists his distance healing work and mission. Other ascended healing masters also are at hand assisting during the distance healing session. Divine spiritual (God’s) energy or Tian qi through the higher soul is directed by a spiritual healer to heal a patient’s disease at a distance.

Buddha Kuan Yin

If you have any questions about distance healing, please fill Contact Us Form to contact Ricardo if you want distance healing from Qigong healer, Tao Healing Hands practitioner Ricardo B. Serrano by Zoom.

Distance healing by Tao Healing hands practitioner Ricardo B Serrano may also assist in the recipient’s Merkaba activation which initiates the holistic healing and enlightenment process.

Referential Reading:

Meditation and Qigong books and DVDs on Functional Medicine:

Akashic Records Reading with Tao Chang book at https://www.amazon.com/dp/0988050285

Six healing Qigong sounds book at https://www.amazon.com/dp/0988050269

The Meditation and Qigong Mastery book at https://www.amazon.com/dp/0987781901

Return to Oneness with the Tao book at https://www.amazon.com/dp/0987781960

Return to Oneness with Spirit through Pan Gu Shen Gong book at https://www.amazon.com/dp/0987781979

Keys to Healing and Self-Mastery according to the Hathors book at

Return to Oneness with Shiva book at

Oneness with Shiva book at

The Cure & Cause of Cancer book at

First published April 1, 2025 by Holisticwebs.com

The post Distance Healing with Soul Healing appeared first on You Hold the Keys to Healing.

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