Jesus Offers Forgiveness and Salvation through Faith in Him

7 months ago 41

Early on in the fanfare of his public appearances, Jesus gives what will become known as the famous Sermon on the Mount. This is a “big moment” for Jesus. He has laid out in detail his understanding of a life that pleases God; he has, so to speak, driven a stake in the ground. His star is ascending, crowds are growing, and the religious leaders are watching his every move. Watch what Jesus does next: “Large crowds followed Jesus as he came down the mountainside. Suddenly, a man with leprosy approached him and knelt before him. “Lord,” the man said, “if you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean.” Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!” And instantly the leprosy disappeared. “(Matthew 8:1–3 NLT) Clothed in rags, bandanna over the face, hair dirty and matted. Talk about ostracism. In Israel at that time, to get within a stone’s throw of someone so diseased was to jeopardize your own righteousness and reputation. So, that is the danger Jesus is faced with. The man comes near Jesus — but not too near. What does Jesus do? He reaches out and touches him. Jesus doesn’t need to come in contact with the man in order to heal him. There are many accounts where all he does is say the word and people are healed, even people a county away. Yet he touches him. Why?! Because this is the one thing the man needs. No one has touched him for a very long time. The kindness of Jesus in this one act is enough to make me fall in love with him. But so is his scandalous freedom. Jesus doesn’t seem to care. Or better, he cares very deeply about the right things. The risks Jesus is willing to take with his reputation are simply stunning. But why do we have cancer and other bad diseases?  Is it God’s will that bad things happen?  Suffering and death, hatred and violence happen around us every hour.  One of the most crippling convictions held by believers today is the idea that everything that happens is the will of God. It is a poisonous belief that will destroy your confidence in God; you will end up believing terrible things about him. What about a news report about a pack of teenage boys who repeatedly raped a little girl with Down’s syndrome? That is the will of God??? Listen very carefully. The Bible makes it perfectly clear that God never causes anyone to sin: “When tempted, no one should say, ‘God is tempting me.’ For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers” (James 1:13–16). God does not tempt, nor does he cause you to sin. But people sin every day, and their sins have devastating consequences. So there are all kinds of events happening every day that are not caused by God. Remember — we live in a world where God has granted to human beings and to angels the dignity of causation, the dignity of making things happen. You get to make things happen, just as God does. God did not cause Adam and Eve to sin, nor did he prevent them from doing so. And their sin had staggering consequences.  Jesus took all our sin upon Himself when He died on the cross.  Our sin is paid in full!  Jesus offers forgiveness and salvation through faith in Him.  Thanks be to God! Pastor Dave

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