So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu...

2 years ago 10

I started this blog on 9th May 2007 - exactly fifteen years ago. Back then I was taking tentative steps to re-start my rugby journey by coming out of retirement aged 42, a comeback which may only have lasted a few short seasons but which rekindled my enthusiasm for the game and which stimulated my creative juices in the form of this blog, a vessel in which I have been posting mostly rubbish ever since. It has all been great fun but, over 2,600 posts later, I have to say that I am finding increasingly that I have very little original left to say and, over the past few months, have considered on a number of occasions knocking things on the head. With the rise of social media and podcasting platforms I think it's safe to say that the days of the humble little blog are becoming numbered and, rather then soldiering on with increasingly uninteresting content, the time is probably now right to call it a day. I'm not saying it will disappear completely - not yet at least - but I do think that it is time for something of a hiatus, maybe temporary, maybe permanent. Not an easy decision by any means, but the right one. So, a big, big thank you to all who have continued to read my drivel over the years and to those who have been kind enough to contribute and comment. It's been a blast but all good things do come to an end at some point. So long...

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