Holy Relationships

2 days ago 4

Every Relationship is a Holy Relationship. It is a matter of perspective and of being most "present." What is a "Holy Relationship..."? I just picked up and started reading the new book written by Sandy Level-Lunden and in her introduction she wrote a definition which triggered me. It triggered me to to consider this concept and to be available to my guidance to write this blog posting. Sandy's recently released book is entitled, "I Just Want Peace." I have not read past the introduction, at this point, so I do not offer any recommendation however, I know Sandy and I know that she wants to serve. She has been a student of the "Course in Miracles" dictation and know that its principles have changed her life and offers her a foundation for service as a coach, counselor and trainer. (If you are not familiar with ACIM, A Course in Miracles, then you may find that this is worth pursuing as a different (perhaps) way of looking at our human lives and our human dramas...)

Every Relationship is a Holy Relationship. It is a matter of perspective and of being most “present.” What is a “Holy Relationship…”? I just picked up and started reading the new book written by Sandy Level-Lunden and in her introduction she wrote a definition which triggered me. It triggered me to to consider this concept and to be available to my guidance to write this blog posting. Sandy’s recently released book is entitled, “I Just Want Peace.” I have not read past the introduction, at this point, so I do not offer any recommendation however, I know Sandy and I know that she wants to serve. She has been a student of the “Course in Miracles” dictation and know that its principles have changed her life and offers her a foundation for service as a coach, counselor and trainer. (If you are not familiar with ACIM, A Course in Miracles, then you may find that this is worth pursuing as a different (perhaps) way of looking at our human lives and our human dramas…)

From her written words, “Holy Relationships” and her explanation, I resonate in a way that has “trigger” me to write to YOU about this topic from my perspective… People who move to expand their consciousness and who desire to grow on a “Spiritual” level will find their way to an expanded view of “OUR” life’s purpose. Pretty strong statement! So, I will attempt to share some of my feelings about this topic. First, every relationship we have, with everyone we meet and interact is a “Holy Relationship.” Everyone you cross paths with is “THERE” for a reason and for a “shared learning experience.” Perhaps, you are not fully present or blocked from knowing this by some egoic self-created barrier, but this is non-the-less true. Attempt to not be victim and to get hijacked by some judgement or past trauma or some future anxiety. It is difficult to not be a victim or to not play a victim to an experience (from past or present events.) YOU are more powerful and more perfect than your ego allows you to mentally consider. Thinking can be a big part of this problem. But, “Knowing” that you are connected in every moment to the Divine Spirit and You are Loved, You are Accepted, You are Connected to something greater, and You are Perfect just the way you are. It is the difficult to remember this wisdom which is True Always!

I study the book, “The Way of Mastery” which like ACIM (A Course in Miracles) is a dictation from the Divine Spirit but, for me, easier to follow than ACIM. Support and discussion groups are available for both of these written dictations. Both lead to a similar perspective that we are born into our human lives with an agreed upon purpose and, whether we consciously know it or not, we are here to share our love and wisdom AND we are here, in this current, life to learn from each interaction as we test our “remembered wisdom.” At the foundation is to be fully “Present” and attempt to be non-judgemental with every soul we interact with on our path through life. Easier said than done! And, we must be Present, not stuck in the past life traumas or fearful of the unknown future, as we interact even when we get “triggered.” Especially, when we get “Triggered.” I have often said, I learn more from my mistakes and difficult challenges than when life is easy and smooth. When YOU are tested (or triggered) those are the times when you can find a way to “Take Responsibility” for the situation and bask in thankfulness that you can learn from this experience… Boy, easier said than done BUT that is what we are Here, in this life, to learn… We are here to learn and if we take responsibility for our actions and our emotional responses to life, we can rally to a higher human consciousness (and allowing our human consciousness to get closer to full awareness of our Divine consciousness), and this “wins” (???) the game…

Every soul you meet is PERFECT and connected to you in the Divine. They may trigger you because they are your teacher and being of “service” to you, as you are for them. We are ALL in this together and we are all here to serve by helping to love and support the mutual raising of our human consciousness. It is like playing a game of strategy and to win you must help everyone cross the finish line with a higher level of consciousness. (Though there is no “winning” in the Divine realms.)

BTW, humans fancy “Special Relationships” where we fall in love or in lust with a specific human (or thing) and think that we “NEED” this person or thing to fulfill us. This is awesome and an important part of the “Drama” we call living as a 3 dimensionally limited human… Yes, Love your family and friends but with no strings attached or any underlying human insecurities… These relationships are here for us to learn from even with all the human emotional pain they can cause us…

YOU are Amazing! YOU are Perfect even with what you may Judge as your imperfections! YOU are Loved! You are connected in every moment to the Divine, though your human perspective may be limited in this, or any, moment.

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