August 30, 2024 We seem to be living in an era of unending political campaigns. An era of promises and accusations. An era of ‘alternative facts’ (always a curiosity for me because I never could understand how two diametrically opposed positions could both be factual). An era of tribalism, shout downs, beat downs, slander, and lies.Continue reading "An Alternative Candidate?"
August 30, 2024
We seem to be living in an era of unending political campaigns.
An era of promises and accusations.
An era of ‘alternative facts’ (always a curiosity for me because I never could understand how two diametrically opposed positions could both be factual).
An era of tribalism, shout downs, beat downs, slander, and lies.
An era in which power is manifest by bullying and any attempts at reconciliation are indicative of weakness.
An era of claimed intellectual superiority and condescending knowledge of the best way to meet the needs ‘of the masses.’
An era in which the political platforms speak of unity, rights, justice – all those things we long for – yet the leaders’ actions aren’t in sync with the words they speak.
The ‘mainstream’ politicians seem so attractive.
They get us.
They are going to make our lives better.
They are going to make sure our agendas are realized, and the other guy’s agenda bite the dust. Yay for us….!
Like I said….It’s an era like no other…
Some are searching for a third candidate to choose – a third platform to embrace…
What if there actually IS an alternative?
A third choice has always been there –
but has anyone been paying attention?
After all, both ‘mainstream candidates’ mention the third choice by name on a regular basis.
…..And everyone calls Him Jesus….
Sadly, the Jesus we see touted by politicians these days has little similarity to the Jesus of scripture.
Our Lord has become a political commodity – a manipulated figure head – a co-opted icon to serve the purpose of any and all comers – for any and all purposes.
His name is openly, or tacitly, included in political talking points and written-out platform summaries.
But is the Jesus they speak of the real Jesus?
Have those who claim to cite Jesus even read His platform?
I wonder. After all, the Lord’s platform has been readily available for centuries.
Here’s a link to a partial platform Christ offered – with scriptural citations – should you be interested.
His is a platform that isn’t just words, but rather a platform undergirded by the actions of the One Who spoke and still speaks His word.
A platform that offers a different way – a non-partisan way.
A way of peace, forgiveness, inclusivity, and unconditional love for all.
A way of sacrifice, grace, mercy, humble service, and lifting up of all who choose to follow Him.
A way that paves a future in which all are made whole, all are made equal, and none are shut out.
A way not of “I” but of “WE.”
Jesus comes for all.
Jesus lives for all.
Jesus died for all.
Jesus is raised to glory for all.
Jesus’ platform (Jesus’ way) can be a hard pill to swallow for anyone looking for revenge, for anyone looking to be ‘better than,’ for anyone hoping that they might be a winner while someone else is necessarily a loser …. but then Jesus never said it would be easy – (Matthew 7:13-14), but rather it is the way leading to true life for all.
So reader beware!
Christ’s ‘platform’ is a platform He intends for His voters/followers to reflect in their own lives; a life He modeled when He lived among us.
So what do we choose – how do we vote?
Now before, you shake your heads at me and call me naive …
I KNOW His kingdom isn’t of this world, John 18:36
YET, He asks us to pray that His kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10; Luke 11:2-3
God’s kingdom isn’t in the ‘great by and by’ – it is present in rudimentary form in the here and now, even as it comes to completion when Christ returns.
We are the intended vehicles through which Christ’s prayer is answered.
So…how are we doing?
How would others know the ‘candidate of our choice’?
These days, voters wear hats and t-shirts in support of their candidate.
Other voters put bumper stickers on their cars, wear interesting T-shirts, and carry signs.
Jesus’ voters/followers are to do more than wear a cross around their necks, wear clever T-shirts, or put fish symbols on their cars.
Jesus’ followers are not only to pray God’s kingdom comes and not their own, God’s will be done and not their own – but to live into what we pray!
Jesus’ followers are expected to show their support for His platform by how they live their lives in such a way that God alone receives the credit (the glory).
His is an excellent platform and perhaps this kingdom prayer is His rallying cry!
So…here’s the thing…
Jesus’ doesn’t offer alternative facts. Jesus offers life-giving truth.
Pure and simple.
So…since Christ’s followers are called to live in the world just not of the world (John 17: 15-17), when we go to the polls to vote this year knowing full well that our ‘preferred candidate’ isn’t on the ballot, perhaps we should consider measuring the ‘mainstream candidates’ that are listed in light of our Lord’s platform, and choose the one which most closely aligns with His.
It is up to each of us how we ‘vote’ – how we choose to live our lives….like I said before, choosing the perfect way of Jesus isn’t easy – there are struggles, times of isolation, and temptations to raise ourselves up above others or perhaps bail on the whole ‘following Jesus thing ‘altogether.
Earthly leaders might hold punitive grudges and call us names if we lapse from their policies, but thank goodness, our Lord forgives our lapses – and invites us t begin again – and the only name He calls us is His beloved children!
So – go out and live out your ‘vote’!
Just a thought…
And to God be the glory! AMEN.
(BTW ever have a mainstream candidate pray for you – Jesus – did (John 17:2-24) and does. Such knowledge gives me great comfort for the future if we would just live into His prayer!)