Starting on a new telegram channel

yesterday 6

Hi everyone! It’s been a few months since our last update. When we first started in 2021, we wrote our updates quite regularly, and we want to see if we can return to the same content rhythm. We will be moving towards shorter, regular updates via our new Telegram channel. So, if you are keen … Continue reading Starting on a new telegram channel

Hi everyone! It’s been a few months since our last update.

When we first started in 2021, we wrote our updates quite regularly, and we want to see if we can return to the same content rhythm.

We will be moving towards shorter, regular updates via our new Telegram channel. So, if you are keen to follow our updates, do follow our Telegram channel: @mrbudget.

It might be counterintuitive to start on another platform, but let’s see if we can build up our momentum again.

So say hi to us on our telegram channel!

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