Illustration: The Verge It appears that Beeper Mini, an easy iMessage solution for Android, was simply too good to be true � or a short-lived dream, at least. On Friday, less than a week after its launch, the app...

It appears that Beeper Mini, an easy iMessage solution for Android, was simply too good to be true � or a short-lived dream, at least. On Friday, less than a week after its launch, the app started experiencing technical issues when users were suddenly unable to send and receive blue bubble messages. The problems grew worse over the course of the day, with reports piling up on the Beeper subreddit.
Beeper Mini was the result of a comprehensive attempt to reverse engineer Apple�s messaging protocol. A 16-year-old high school student managed to successfully pull it off, and for a while, everything worked without a hitch. That effort became the basis for the new app, which requires a $2 / month subscription. Here�s what my colleague Jake...