If you want to use your phone�s digital key to drive your car, look for this logo

one year ago 82

Image: BMW As digital keys become more widely used among car owners, a consortium of auto and phone makers are working to ensure that people can trust that this new technology is secure and will always work across multiple...

Digital car key opening door Image: BMW

As digital keys become more widely used among car owners, a consortium of auto and phone makers are working to ensure that people can trust that this new technology is secure and will always work across multiple devices.

The Car Connectivity Consortium (CCC) is an industry group that includes most major car companies, like Ford, GM, BMW, Honda, Hyundai, and Mercedes-Benz, as well as phone makers like Apple, Samsung, and Xiaomi. The consortium announced a new certification program for digital keys that use near-field communication (NFC). NFC-equipped phones must be tapped against the car�s door handle to unlock it, rather than using a key or key fob.

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