TEN talented women came to the TAGY Holiday Party on January 6, 2025 in the Grizzly Room at the Cody Library. Snowy weather may have kept others away. Cyndy, Jan W., Pam, Carol, Alice, Barb M., Karling, Judy, Jan H. and Marion.Announcements: Monthly Challenge--Due at February Meeting: The words Sparkles/Bedazzled, Pyramid, and Monochromatic were chosen from the creative element bags. Please use your creative skills and make something that incorporates those 3 elements: Shape, Theme, Color. Bring it to the February meeting. Please do this even if you did not attend today's meeting...we all need creative challenges!Monthly Programs: Please sign up! June, July, November and December are available!February Program (Barb M. and Jan H.): We will create Mini-Me's! An example is in photos below. Bring your fabric scraps and other miscellaneous items (such as things for hair and jewelry, etc), and items to share. These Mini-Me's will also include your artist bio. We will discuss the artist bio at the February meeting. And then they will be hung next to your annual challenge quilt! They likely won't be finished at the February meeting, but we'll get a start on them!Show and Tell:Pam's quilt that was in Quilting Arts Magazine: A Series of TwoQKarling examines Pam's quiltBarbMarion loves those colors of bluePam's greeting card made from NY Eve confetti, tulle and Misty Fuse.Pam's Qiviut neck warmer from her daughter in Alaska. Qiviut is make from Musk Ox and is very warm! (and expensive!)Pam and her greeting cardPamQiviut scarfCyndy's stitch potsCyndy's vasesCyndy and appliqueJan H.'s Mini-Me (back-side). We will do these at February meetingJan's Mini-Me (front-side)The Program: Pot-Luck and Holiday Gift Exchange. The theme was "Winter."The food was wonderful!From Pam to Jan H.: beautifully dyed linen fabric (she used Dyna-Flo)From Pam to Jan H.: Luggage tags and handles for that Winter Getaway!From Jan W. to AliceTo Jan W. from Alice: Bird Bunting (this is the backside)From Alice to Jan W.: Bird Bunting front-sides...darling!To Cyndy from Judy: Wool roving winter bird on vintage quilt. Clever!From Carol to Judy: Cold weather drink pack. Carol (& hubby) also made the wooden box!To Cyndy from Judy: Sheep knitting fabric market bag. Love the print!From Cyndy to Pam: Stitch Pot vases!Again, Judy's winter bird gift to CyndyFestive times, right?!Back of Jan W.'s wall hanging to AliceAnd the front...The Bird Bunting from Alice to Jan W.Jan W.Pam and vases from CyndyCarol and rice pack from Barb M.The backside is cozy MinkyCarol has a fascination with tissue paper...or maybe Barb does...Jan H.'s gift to Barb M.: Embroidered tea towelJan H. gift to Barb M.: Rope bowl and penguin pin cushionsBarb M.The End! A good time was had by all!