Another green day in the battle toward $1million!!!

6 years ago 45

Wed, Sep 11, 2019 Total trades: 10Total volume: 88Closed P&L: $550.00 Trade journal notes for Sept 11th.         On a side note outside of trading, the terrorist attacks to the US on this day in 2001 dramatically changed the life of my Family. I was in the US military and from September 2001 and on i was deployed to either Afghanistan, Iraq or sometimes Africa every calendar year from 01-2016(with the exception of 2007-8). My Family and i went through a lot, we lost some good friends, made some good friends and watched some friends and their family's fall apart due to the war. However, I retired in 2016, locked my office door and took up trading!! I haven't looked back since. Its been a hard journey with a steep learning curve but my wife has been supportive and I couldn't think of anything i would rather do than battle it out with the markets everyday!!! Sorry about all of that and onto the trading stuff: I did some quick pre-market work this morning but only posted it on My trading view site. I had a good friend come into town last night and we ended up staying up until 0200 trying to solve the worlds problems!! Unsuccessfully of course!! haha We went to lunch this afternoon before he left so i only traded form 0930 till 1000 and then 330 pm until the close. I ended up 10 wins 0 losses and + $550!!! maybe i should do that more often!! I think the big take away from today for me is that my tape reading has been pretty consistent and my confidence is growing. My scalping strategy has been consistently profitable with 7 days in the green. However,that can quickly reverse and i could go 8 + days in the red. Due to my slacking today the goals for tomorrow remain the same as yesterday:1. write my "needs to improve" areas on the dry erase board and then improve on them!!!2. Spell out my daily checklist on the chalk board for visual reference!! here are my chart for the end of day 11 Sept:

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