We Started a Vlog

4 years ago 20

It's been a while. Maybe you've been wondering what's been happening, but we started a vlog. Our YouTube Channel is called 'Perth Theme Park Life'. We've been wanting to start a vlog for sometime, but having someone go 'let's do it' and give you a push has been great. It features myself (Iain) and a young guy called Tim as well a bunch of our friends. Recently, we uploaded (as a bonus video) 'Carlos's Day at the Show', which I helped make 20 years ago. It's funny when you realise that we've been doing this for decades, but there's never really been a market for our theme park coverage before. Ever since I first visited theme parks in the 1990s, I've been recording or photographing my adventures. When our local park, Adventure World, started construction of a new roller coaster in 2013, I got the bug for covering local theme park construction and news. A lot of people I've met have been friends from Australian theme park website, Parkz. Since 2015, I've been running a Facebook page called Perth Theme Parks , which is also on Instagram.   For the new vlog, we decided to alter the title to reflect what we really do. 'Perth Theme Park Life' refers to the fact that we are addicted to that theme park lifestyle, whether we are visiting a local zoo, FEC or amusement park. We love supporting businesses, whether they're mini golf courses or cat cafes. We've had a few invites and influencer deals, but mainly we go under the radar and pay our own way. We've been uploading a new vlog every week on a Saturday morning, with bonus ones midweek. It's interesting how dynamics develop and Tim and myself generally have a good time in front of the camera. We don't always agree with what we should film, but I think that makes for a better final product.  We've covered local theme park, Adventure World, and water park, Outback Splash. We've been to heaps of events and small carnivals. Even though this year's Perth Royal Show was cancelled, we have covered many of the other events that have taken place at the Claremont Showgrounds, including some excellent Christmas carnivals. We even shot a fun hide and seek video there.  We're still trying to work out what makes for good content and how we can make our product look a bit more polished. It's been an excellent experience for sharpening our editing anmd camera skills. It's been a fun couple of months and we're hoping to continue with this for sometime. Here's to the future.    

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