Oct. 18, 2017

7 years ago 50

We had a rather fruitful harvest at Morris, despite it being so late in the season. There were lots of cherry tomatoes and the malibar is still doing well. We also picked a few eggplants for the first time as well as a bunch of green peppers. But, most exciting, was the pumpkin. It has been growing on the other side of the fence for the past few weeks, and today was finally the day to harvest. However, that meant walking around the block and finding a way into the fenced lot bordering our garden. Luckily there was a gap in the gate big enough to crawl through and we were able to pick the pumpkin. Next week we plan to make a pie with it! On the pest front, we have two broccoli rabe plants — we think but aren't sure because they haven't produced anything we can pick yet — that aren't doing great and we've picked off some eggs in the past. Today, though, we found quite a few bugs crawling all over. After some googling, we found out that they are harlequin bugs, common to plants in the cabbage family. Hopefully we found and killed them all, but it is always hard to tell. After lunch, we peeled and sliced some of the apples we picked last week and made applesauce. It was delicious and the whole group really enjoyed it!

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