Who Funds The Left, Issue 2019 - 01

2 years ago 35

 I went down a bit of a rabbit hole recently.Of course, people who know me would just say "so what the hell else is new?"But I digress.I happened to receive a notice of a forum ("A Conversation about Gun Sense") being advertised by the local chapter of the League of Women Voters.Then, I happened to scroll over the list of co-sponsors of the event, and saw one was "Grand Valley Students United", a leftist student group (see https://www.gvstudentsunited.org/issues ), while the other was KWSI 100.3, a local socialist radio station (see https://kwsi.org/the-station/ ).So the students group was obvious enough -- their funding is opaque; you can't see where their money really comes from. So I happened to look at KWSI's list of sponsors, and saw that Alpine Bank, Gibson Computers, the Chinook Fund, and an obscure 501c3 nonprofit named "DEAR" or "Desert Ecosystem Analysis and Restoration" were the main sponsors of the radio station.That's a lot of shell-game BS to find out who is funding the rise of the national socialist state. Most of the primary funding sources, you can't see. As with almost every corner of the left's funding empire, much of it is actually government money; funneled to "NGO's" through various grant programs.In other words, YOU are paying for it.What?You didn't think commies would hang you with their own money, did you?At least Alpine Bank has the stones to admit it is funding the campaign to assign a boot to your neck.Remember that next time you use their ATM or deposit a check -- remember to thank yourself for funding your own execution.

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