Dystopian Direction in Canada

4 months ago 23

  Dystopian Direction Shadows write dark legislation to put a mask on all their crimes then give it to the politicians to usher in despotic times. ---------------------------- The Activist Poet The Canadian government is currently reading a dystopian piece of legislation called “The Online Harms Act” (Bill C-63), which is very deceptive, vague and general in its meaning while if passed, threatens to criminalize the Canadian people’s right to freedom of speech. “The Online Harms Act”, is an aggressive censorship legislation which gives the Canadian government the right to prosecute, fine and imprison Canadians over what they, the government or the masters of this country, term, “hate Speech”; or, to put it another way; prosecute, fine and imprison Canadians who criticize government narratives or have a different view of geopolitical events. As an example, thousands of Canadians were demonized, fined, jailed, censored and told that they were a small fringe minority with unacceptable views. The prime minister of Canada openly questioned, in anger, “what should we do with these people?!” He then invoked the war measures act on Canadians to shut down peaceful protests without any dialog when millions of Canadians from across the political spectrum challenged his dystopian mandates in 2022.What this new legislation does is to continue that same tyrannical policy but on a wider scale while giving spoilt brats, and ass hole politicians the ability to put someone in jail if they don’t like something that is said. Did I just offend you with those words? Will you send me to jail for saying them?There is no doubt in my mind that this latest nefarious attempt at silencing opposing voices, has been put forth by the twisted minds behind the scenes that control our nations’ economic strings, media and government. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand or see who’s behind this dystopian move or what has triggered this Orwellian legislation at this particular point in time. This legislation will target anyone with a differing opinion than the Neo- Liberal, Neo-Conservative and collusive NDP agendas put forth by the western economic cartel.There is a small privileged group of twisted people who take offence when good citizens stand up for human values and speak out against the narratives we are not allowed to question. Such as the genocide being committed in Palestine by the Israelis, or questioning the governments support of the Neo-fascist Ukrainian regime that western governments brought to power through their support of a violent coup that then caused a civil war. Never mind talking about the scolding and demonizing of people speaking out against the policies of pushing transvestites on our children in schools or the forcing of people, through shaming and coercion to take dangerous inoculations for a corona virus that was no worse than the annual flu…or the targeting of those who speak out against the western geo-political and economic wars being waged against Russia, Iran, Venezuela or any nation for that matter, that does not fall into line with the dictates of the western economic cartel. An economic cartel that has its roots in Europe and the United States, that controls a block of nations, economically, militarily and through the censorship of information.No, in their minds, those who speak out are considered dangerous and should be silenced by any means necessary. That is what Bill C-63 is about; silencing opposing voices. I mean really, how can you claim it’s for the protection of children when you support perverted acts by transvestites in our children’s schools? How can you not see this as wrong? So, to what point will they take this Orwellian fist of censorship? Bill C-63 tells you exactly what they plan to do.Those who speak out against the occupation and destruction of Palestine, Syria, Iraq, and other nations are already being targeted. The fact that the establishment has resorted to the iron fist approach means that alternative voices are having an effect in educating the greater western population and so the establishment wants to eliminate the conversation once and for all instead of engaging in moral debate and allowing the people to make up their own minds.Online censorship of these and other topics began long ago but this legislation takes censorship to a new dystopian level that seems more in line with totalitarian order than democracy. Democracy only survives with a well-informed population. Censorship has no place in it.I’ve been worried for a long time, that our country was going to go down this totalitarian path as have a number of Canadians who’ve been speaking out against the many different dystopian issues that the Canadian government is involved in or supports. We’ve all been trying to bring attention to important issues to the Canadian public about what they are up to and where this country is heading as a consequence. Unfortunately, censorship has already played a huge role in silencing critical debate and our mainstream media is a party to it. Who stands against human values, truthful information and freedom of speech? It saddens me to think that this great country I thought I lived in, is just an illusion. I expected that most of the people in this country would be standing up and fighting against dystopian government by now. Unfortunately, the reason people are not aware of the facts on the ground is because of the censorship and propaganda already in play by our government and by our mainstream media.I haven’t given up hope however, because I don’t want to see my country continue down this dystopian path, but there really isn’t anything I can do to stop it as an individual, short of trying to tell people what is happening; hoping they will also stand up to the government and tell them to “Fuck off!” ß THAT, is what we need to do!Of course, my voice and thousands of others will disappear if this legislation goes through as will everything written in the past that brings attention to corporate and government collusion, corruption, wrong doing, war crimes and crimes against humanity by the Canadian government or those it supports. Dystopian legislation like Bill C-63 is how history is manipulated and changed by the establishment. History is always written by the victors, so let’s not be on the losing side of this government war on the people! Let us join together and confront the assholes in power and take it away from them. Government is supposed to do what we say, not the other way around.Right now, there are people in this country dedicated to freedom of speech, that have organized and are standing up to try and make a difference.The following is a letter to the Canadian people by John Carpay, B.A., LL.B.President of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. In his letter, John spells out the real problems with this legislation which should worry every single Canadian citizen. If you want to help put a stop to this dystopian legislation (Bill C-63), please continue reading and take action by signing the Justice Centers petition and then email or phone your elected representative (regardless of which party) about the dangers of the Online Harms Act and tell them to vote against it. Let’s make this campaign go viral!Here is John’s letter…--------------------------Dear friend of freedom,You have likely heard about the Online Harms Act, the most aggressive censorship legislation in Canadian history. It is now before Parliament. Presented under the clever guise of protecting children from harm (and nobody disagrees with that goal!), the Online Harms Act threatens our freedom of expression, our access to information, our privacy and our security.If passed into law, the Online Harms Act will empower the government to prosecute Canadians over “hate” speech that has no clear definition. Former Supreme Court Justice Beverley McLachlin struggled to define “hate” when asking, “Where does dislike leave off, and hatred or contempt begin?” She also said that the term "hatred" is “vague and subjective, capable of extension should the interpreter be so inclined.” If the Online Harms Act passes into law, who will decide whether a Canadian is guilty of speaking or writing “hate”? Who will have the power to investigate and punish online harms if the Act passes?    The answer: Courts, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, and a new Digital Safety Commission. If the Online Harms Act becomes law, your neighbor will have the power to convince a judge that you might say something hateful in the future. If the judge believes that your neighbor’s fears are legitimate, the judge can order you to wear an ankle bracelet, obey a curfew, abstain from alcohol, avoid certain people or places, and surrender your legally owned firearms. All without having been charged with a crime or convicted of a crime!Those who refuse to abide by the restrictions imposed by the court can be jailed for up to two years. All this because a complainant fears that a person might commit a speech crime in the future.   Canadian Human Rights Tribunal If the Online Harms Act becomes law, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal will acquire new powers to fine a Canadian up to $50,000 for a speech crime, plus the power to order a Canadian to pay up to $20,000 to the alleged “victim” of the speech crime.Complaints can even be filed anonymously, depriving the accused person of his or her right to face the accuser. Complaints can be filed regarding anything on the internet, even if posted many years earlier.The Online Harms Act will warp our sense of time and justice, and many Canadians will self-censor to avoid the risk of penalties from the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal.   New Digital Safety Commission If the Online Harms Act passes into law, a new Digital Safety Commission will have the power to investigate and punish social media platforms. This Digital Safety Commission will unleash a new army of bureaucrats, who will exercise astonishing powers over what Canadians read and write online. This new Commission will have powers to: make online content inaccessible investigate (without a warrant!) social media platforms establish codes of conduct conduct secret hearings shut down websites revoke licenses, and impose billion-dollar fines While exercising these vast powers over the speech of Canadians, the Digital Safety Commission will not be subject to basic rules of evidence, nor will any regulations created by the Commission require the approval of Parliament. The Digital Safety Commission will also be empowered to fine regulated social media platforms up to six percent of global revenues (which would mean astronomically high fines, in light of the fact that the parent companies of most major social media platforms earn billions each year).If the Online Harms Act becomes law, I fear that many social media platforms will cease operations in Canada rather than risk such significant fines. (I am reminded of Meta restricting access to news in Canada on their platforms in response to the Online News Act.) The companies that continue operating in Canada will become allies of the Digital Safety Commission, and do the Commission's censorship work by removing anything that unaccountable bureaucrats might deem to be "hateful." If the Online Harms Act passes into law, the Digital Safety Commission will have the power to enter without a warrant into “any place in which they have reasonable grounds to believe” that there exists information relevant to verifying compliance with the Online Harms Act. Further, social media platforms will be forced to make their data available to external researchers, generating significant privacy and security risks. When unaccountable bureaucrats are empowered to enforce their own understanding of fuzzy and slippery definitions of “hate” speech, it becomes possible for thousands of Canadians to be fined, and some of them even imprisoned. If Supreme Court Justice McLachlin struggled to find a clear and stable definition of “hate,” how can we trust unaccountable bureaucrats to find it while respecting freedom of expression?John Carpay, B.A., LL.B.PresidentJustice Centre for Constitutional FreedomsPlease get involved and sign the petition. Thank you.-----------------------------------------------------------------LINKSJustice Center for Constitutional FreedomsPetitionOnline Harms Act threatens free expression in Canada – (Feb 24, 2024)Canadian House of Commons

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