Six people rescued from sinking boat in Sunda Strait

a month ago 38

Jakarta - The ranks of the Indonesian Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla) through the State Ship (KN) Tanjung Datu-301 managed to rescue six crew members of the Tug Boat (TB) Mega 09 which sank and evacuated the Penata Besar barge which was drifting in the waters north of Tempurung Island, Banten or the Sunda Strait area, Sunday.Based on the official press release from Bakamla RI received in Jakarta, it was explained that the rescue was carried out after KN Tanjung Datu-301 received information from the Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Merak regarding the incident experienced by TB Mega 09 and the Penata Besar barge.From the report, KN Tanjung Datu-301 which was sailing around the waters of Cilegon immediately coordinated with VTS Merak and moved towards the location of the incident at 09.20 WIB.Then at 10.30 WIB, KN Tanjung Datu-301 arrived at the location and immediately conducted a search and rescue (SAR) operation.The Indonesian Bakamla team finally managed to evacuate six victims, consisting of Ali Usman (captain, 34 years old), Ismail (helmsman, 54 years old), Wahyudin (deckman, 19 years old), Ridho (deckman, 26 years old), Alexandro (engine room chief, 28 years old), and Boni Alvano (chief officer, 55 years old).

Six people rescued from sinking boat in Sunda Strait

Jakarta - The ranks of the Indonesian Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla) through the State Ship (KN) Tanjung Datu-301 managed to rescue six crew members of the Tug Boat (TB) Mega 09 which sank and evacuated the Penata Besar barge which was drifting in the waters north of Tempurung Island, Banten or the Sunda Strait area, Sunday.

Based on the official press release from Bakamla RI received in Jakarta, it was explained that the rescue was carried out after KN Tanjung Datu-301 received information from the Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Merak regarding the incident experienced by TB Mega 09 and the Penata Besar barge.

From the report, KN Tanjung Datu-301 which was sailing around the waters of Cilegon immediately coordinated with VTS Merak and moved towards the location of the incident at 09.20 WIB.Then at 10.30 WIB, KN Tanjung Datu-301 arrived at the location and immediately conducted a search and rescue (SAR) operation.

The Indonesian Bakamla team finally managed to evacuate six victims, consisting of Ali Usman (captain, 34 years old), Ismail (helmsman, 54 years old), Wahyudin (deckman, 19 years old), Ridho (deckman, 26 years old), Alexandro (engine room chief, 28 years old), and Boni Alvano (chief officer, 55 years old).

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