Counseling Awareness Month Q&A

11 months ago 48

What does counseling mean or entail? Counseling is a professional relationship that empowers individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals. (American Counseling Association) Counseling also serves to help someone get to a “better” place – whatever “better” means to that person. When is it recommended for an individual to seek counseling services? There’s no right or wrong time to begin working with a professional counselor. Many people seek professional counseling when they feel distressed, overwhelmed, or stuck. But everyday life challenges like unemployment/underemployment, financial worries, stress from work, or too much exposure to bad news in the media are other examples of where a counselor’s guidance can help set, or reset, people on their […] The post Counseling Awareness Month Q&A first appeared on Mary's Center.

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